Guidelines for Tennis and Pickleball

The courts are open for paid members.  To use the courts, you must first book the court online through Westwood’s court registration system (member login required.) For questions regarding membership or dues, please email

Garbage receptacles are removed. Please carry out with you what you bring onto the courts.

If you have questions about tennis or pickleball that are not answered below, including tennis lessons, please email Rob Vetere by clicking here.


COVID-19 is still spreading in Westchester County.  Please do your part to protect against infections:

  • Stay home if you are sick or have a fever, someone in your house is sick, if you have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or if you have allergies and can’t control sneezing or coughing.
  • Respect other members’ need for personal space and keep a distance of 6 feet from others that are not in your party.
  • Wash your hands with a disinfectant soap and water (for 20 seconds or longer), or use a hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available, before going to the court.
  • Clean and wipe down your equipment, including racquets and water bottles. Do not share racquets or any other equipment such as wristbands, grips, hats, and towels.
  • Bring a full water bottle. All water fountains are turned off.
  • If you need to sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue or upper sleeve.
  • Arrive as close as possible to your reservation time.


  • Please avoid touching any surfaces (gates, fences, balls, score signage, nets, etc). Benches are currently removed.
  • Each member should bring a new can of her/his own tennis balls and only touch his/her tennis balls during play. Please mark your own tennis balls and/or use different colored tennis balls per side.
  • If someone else’s ball ends up on your side of the court, please use your racquet or foot to move the ball over to your playing partner on the other side of the court.
  • Members should bring his/her own water, sunscreen, and towel.
  • Try to stay at least six feet apart from other players not in your party.

For more information on safe play please review the USTA guidelines here


  • Members will need to book a court in advance through the online registration system to play. Click here for reservations (requires login with your Westwood member account).
  • Members will wait off of the court until her/his court is available to play.
  • Members can make same-day court reservations if time slots are available. Please book online before you come to the club.
  • Court reservation times will be for one-hour blocks.
  • Members must exit the court when the playing time has ended. Please do not socialize inside the courts.